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The Benefits of Music

The benefits of learning music and especially a string instrument, are well known. Talk to any family, where kids were exposed to music, and they will tell you how important was that exposure. Nevertheless, as scientific research increases our understanding of how the mind and body work, an astonishing number of findings have revealed more than ever, the benefits of learning music for both children and adults.

Below are a series of articles and studies that show some of the benefits of learning music. Many talk about the brain and its development, although the fact of exposing your kid to beauty, in my opinion, could be the most important benefit.


Music and the Brain

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 Musical experiences in childhood can actually accelerate brain development, particularly in the areas of language acquisition and reading skills. According to the National Association of ​​​Music Merchants Foundation (NAMM Foundation), learning to play an instrument can improve mathematical learning and even increase SAT scores.

But academic achievement isn’t the only benefit of music education and exposure. Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. For children and adults, music helps strengthen memory skills. 


                                                                                                                                                                     University of Southern California’s                                                                                                                                                  Brain and Creativity Institute, 2016


 "Enhanced sensory connections translate into improved comprehension, language, and brain functions. The simple fact that you must engage your physical, mental, and auditory abilities when you’re learning violin stimulates increases cognitive activity." 


                                                                                                                                                         Dr. Gottfried Schlaug PhD  

                                                                                                                                                          Harvard Medical School


"Nothing activates the brain so extensively as music" 


                                                                                                                                        Oliver Sacks, M.D.,

                                                                                                                                        Neurologist and author of Musicophilia 


"A child’s active engagement in music can have many positive effects, including:


 Perceptual, language and literacy skills




 Intellectual development


 Attention and concentration


 Physical development and health"


                                                                                                                                                      Child Development Institute

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